Saturday, June 27, 2020

New Knights of the All Mind

This supplement is kind of ironic because the original Knights of the All Mind supplement I prepared for our home group back in 2012 was to introduce old school attributes to d20. Now this "New" supplement is helping refine our foray back into the "old" ways, since about a year ago we had crossed over to Advanced Labyrinth Lord.

So what is in this new-old supplement? Merely a few somewhat minor aspects we used in our old 1st edition game that I thought would be interesting to bring back in some fashion.
  • Strength Above 19 - The Advanced Labyrinth Lord uses increased hit dice for belts of giant strength and the like, which on a certain level makes sense, but really only works for to hit and damage and not feats of strength like breaking down doors and bending bars. We went through a doozy of a discussion over how to stratify strength where the Gygaxian special "fighter type" strength from 1-100 is eliminated. (There was sooo much needless Gygaz complexity that our era beginning in the late 70s had to live with...)
  • Divine Intervention - An old table I had from the original Knights, not always an impact, but when divine intervention is your character's last hope, well...
  • Godly Grants - This came up because we were going to run a group through Geoffrey Dales Inferno, and J.A.S. has a fighter, Halberton, with a mace that grants a Godly Grant every day (He gained the mace at Grimcon III). Mark Scheinert was kind enough to describe this Arduin magical grant.
  • Death and Dismember Table - I derived a much simplified 1d20 table adapted from Zak Smith's d100 DADT from the 5th edition Zak Hak. The mechanics are awesome because rather than having 0 hit points become this demarcation point between fighting as normal and unconsciousness/death, moving below 0 is a sort of dance between barely hanging on to consciousness, risking death, while often suffering injuries.
  • Weapon Speed - Our group came about during the glorious period of J. Eric Holmes Dungeons and Dragons Basic Set. It had very simplified weapon speed: Light weapons take a half round to use, heavy weapons 2 rounds, and regular weapons 1 round. So when Players Handbook came out in late 1978, PRE Dungeon Masters Guide,  we took all the weapon speed factors as number of segments to use and ran SEGMENT BY SEGMENT combat for nearly 30 years! It was insane, not what Gygaz intended, and FUN AS HELL!!! Anyhow, it doesn't work quite right with B/X 10-secomd melee rounds, but you know what? HOLMES BASIC USED 10-SECOND ROUNDS! So there we go, I just threw in the Holmes rules.
  • Weapon Adjustments To Hit Versus Armor Type - This is really something that just about everyone ditched: Giving different weapons bonuses or penalty based on whether they were striking against someone wearing anything from no armor to plate mail. Most folks I supposed thought it was a needless wargaming complexity, I always thought it was kind of cool and made weapon selections a little more meaningful - and occasionally a PC super-needed that bonus! So I included armor type adjustments for all the weapons listed in Advanced Labyrinth Lord.
  • Variety of Other Stuff - Most of these are from my earlier book that I though were useful, but there is just kind of a salad of other things: Mutation Table, Whimsey Table, Psionic Rules adopted to Labyrinth Lord as simplified by Silverblade the Enchanter, and my very own Appendix N.
Any how, it's free, so what do you have to lose? Ha, where I come from they say "Take what you need and leave the rest."


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Color Maps!

I added the color maps that are completed for the new Advanced Labyrinth Lord/OSR compatible Underport: Abyssal Descent - Revisionist Edition to the current DriveThruRPG download of Underport: Abyssal Descent. The old black and white maps are still included, however, the color maps are much more legible.

The two differences between the original maps are an underground fungoid jungle section with an Aboleth on level 1 and a new level 9 which essentially incorporates a cross dimension connection with an alien spaceship. (The rough v.3.5 SRD version alien spaceship is free on Knights of the All Mind blogspot "Free Encounters" page. The new LL/OSR version will be encounter driven rather than these general notes.)

Once the new version of the dungeon is complete I will replace the old files with the new ones so anyone who purchased the v.3.5 SRD version will receive the new version for free.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Half Way There ...

Whew, this is taking me much longer than I expected...

Last June I had decided to convert my vintage (circa 1978-81) megadungeon "Underport: Abyssal Descent" from our home-ruled v.3.5 to 5e and also improve some of the shortcomings of the original presentation, specifically the long stat blocks and often illegible scanned maps.

The first part of the project was to add color to the maps, which in addition to making them more legible also came out purdy:

Shortly thereupon, however, I participated in an online B/X game with Jeff Rients and had a blast. So much so that I prevailed upon my home gaming group to switch from 5e to Advanced Labyrinth Lord, a B/X & AD&D retro-clone. At the same time I gathered myself to move the revision of Underport from 5e to the more original Advanced Labyrinth Lord.

A problem developed in that the original-original Underport (pictured below) was not a complete dungeon. It was bits and pieces formed over time as adventuring parties delved there. With the home-ruled v.3.5 version I used Tome of Horrors from Necromancer Games (one of my favorite publishers from the 3rd edition days) to fill in critters and encounters. Now with deciding to go back to my roots, I was faced with converting 3rd edition stats to 1st edition. Bleh!

(The "original" original Underport.)
So I am looking through the different iterations for Tome of Horrors Complete that Frog God Games has put out since Necromancer merged with them. Lo and behold, there is a Swords & Wizardry version of the tome!!!

Swords & Wizardry is an OD&D retro-clone harkening back to the "White Box" set of little brown books that started the game way back in 1974. I had considered S&W as one of the option to propose to my home group when I wanted to pitch them going back to an earlier version. The reason I ultimately went with Advanced Labyrinth Lord is that we gamed 1st ed. AD&D from 1978 until 2005 and Advanced Labyrinth Lord adhered close to those rules while cleaning up some unnecessary Gygaxian complexities.

The bottom line is that the conversion is going soooo much smoother with the S&W Tome! Maybe even get this done by next June...

PS My plan is to replace the existing v.3.5 Underport on DriveThruRPG with the new retro-clone version. That means everyone who purchased the first version will get the new version for free, but if for some reason needs to re-download the first version will need to contact me to do that.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Silver Road

(The Silver Road available at DriveThruRPG!)

A little Troika! scenario myself and Random Addison ran at DunDraCon #44 last weekend (February 14th) is now available free on DriveThruRPG and itch.io. Probably the only Troika! scenario I'll do for a bit because I have a couple things to complete for Advanced Labyrinth Lord.

This is a simple and basic elemental planar romp for up to 6 players. Old Addison was super helpful in getting me out of some standard tropes and also inventing ideas for breaking the fourth wall.

Our game at DunDraCon was just about the full 8 hours, but we left off before the end and had an intriguing philosophical tension during the climactic scene.

Please give it a whirl and let us know what you think.

PS: An early release of this scenario used material from Axes & Orcs Compendium: Volume Two: Science-Fantasy Potpourri Backgrounds for Troika! by Ian Woolley ​at https://axesnorcs.blogspot.com/​. Ian does great work for the game and you should check him out.

Monday, January 13, 2020