Troika! had been popping up in my “recommended” lists for sometime when I purchased various old-style rpg products. I was looking for something simple that I could play more frequently. So Random Addison and I took a detour game Troika!
Simple yet robust rules, only two six-sided dice to play, three core attributes: Skill, Stamina & Luck, innovative initiative system, you travel from sphere to sphere engaging in quixotic pursuit.
Here are 2 items, one we use for our home game and the other we ran at DunDraCon #44. Both are available for free on DriveThruRPG and

Just about everything good in this booklet is from the mind of Logan Knight thankfully putting his ideas and the tables for running his Viriconium-like city, Cörpathium, up under a Creative Commons license.
This is NOT the City of Troika. The actual Troika city is not yet available. My idea was to delve into where the author of Troika! Daniel Sell got his inspiration: a series of science-fantasy novels involving this shifting dystopian-dark future Earth city of Viriconium written by M. John Harrison. That led me to Logan Knight's excellent creations. Logan has a love for Viriconium and modeled his own setting after it
Although I assembled this booklet for my personal game, I hope other Troika! players will find the content useful and fun. As a design philosophy Troika! scenarios should be random as possible.
If you enjoy any of this you'd be well-served checking out Logan's website ( for his full-blown Cörpathium stuff and much more.
"The Silver Road” is a planar romper room for which to play around with vary ideas adventuresome and philosophical. This game was first run as part of events at DunDraCon #44.
Please note that this scenario is fit with particular backgrounds included in the booklet. Many Troika! backgrounds are not compatible with this scenario's primary conceit.
Also, an early release of this scenario used material from Axes & Orcs Compendium: Volume Two: Science-Fantasy Potpourri Backgrounds for Troika! by Ian Woolley at Ian does great work for the game and you should check him out.
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